El tema “La formación del Patriotismo en escolares de Secundaria Básica” tuvo como
propósito, la aplicación de actividades variadas para la contribución a este sentimiento
patriótico. Durante el proceso investigativo se emplearon diferentes métodos tales como:
analítico-sintético, inductivo-deductivo, análisis documental, observación, pruebas
pedagógicas, experimento pedagógico, así como métodos estadísticos-matemáticos para
darle mayor confiabilidad y consistencia a los resultados. Con la puesta en marcha de dichas
actividades se obtuvieron cambios significativos en las esferas cognoscitiva, afectiva y
volitiva de los escolares; por lo que se considera que, fueron un valioso instrumento para
combinar lo instructivo con lo educativo y pueden ser utilizadas en todas las enseñanzas
The Topic related to the formation of Patriotismo in scholars from the Senior High Schoool
had as a purpose to apply varied activities to form this patriotic feeling on them, to do this
during the investigative process different scientific methods as the analytic synthetic the
inductive-deductive, the documents analysis, the observation, the pedagogic test and the pedagogical experiment were used, but some other as statistical and mathematical methods
were also used which gave more reability and soundness to the final results. After putting
them into practice significant changes were obtained in the cognitive, affective and volitive
spheres of the student that´s why the varied activities constituted a valuable instrument to
combine the instructive aspect with the educative one and they can be applied in all levels of