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Nutritional and Structural Role of Silicon in Attenuating Aluminum Toxicity in Sugarcane Plants

Mostrar el registro sencillo del ítem Junior, Gilmar da Silveira Sousa Calero Hurtado, Alexander Junior, Jonas Pereira de Souza Prado, Renato de Mello Dos Santos, Durvalina Maria Mathias
dc.coverage.spatial 7004624 es_ES 2023-06-28T18:26:04Z 2023-06-28T18:26:04Z 2022
dc.identifier.citation Junior, G.S S , Calero Hurtado, A , Junior, J. P .S , Prado, R. M. y Dos Santos, D. (2022). Nutritional and Structural Role of Silicon in Attenuating AluminumToxicity in Sugarcane Plants. Silicon 14 es_ES
dc.identifier.issn 1876-9918 es_ES
dc.description.abstract Purpose We investigated the interactive role of Si-mediated attenuation to aluminum (Al) toxicity in two sugarcane cultivars (‘CTC9002’ and ‘CTC9003’) grown in hydroponic conditions. Methods Two pot experiments were distributed in randomized blocks in a factorial design (4 × 2) with four replications. The treatments consisted of 0, 10, 15, and 20 mg L−1 Al (as aluminum sulfate [Al2 (SO4)3·18H2O)], which were combined with the absence and presence of Si [(2.0 mmol L−1 as potassium silicate (K2SiO3)]. Results Both sugarcane cultivars (‘CTC9002’ and ‘CTC9003’) were affected by Al toxicity (above 10 mg L−1), resulting in nutritional disorders and decreasing plant growth, which were drastically reversed by Si addition in the growth medium. Si supplementation decrease Al concentration and translocation to the shoots of both cultivars when Al and Si were simultaneously supplied in the growth medium. We demonstrated that in shoots of both sugarcane seedlings, Si concentration are positively related to the lignin concentrations (ranging from 12.0% to 41% in cv. ‘CTC9002’ and 12% to 47% in cv. ‘CTC9003’). In addition, Si fertilization enhanced mineral nutrition and use efficiency of macros- and micronutrients, irrespective of the cultivar. Therefore, the use of cultivar ‘CTC9003’ under Si fertilization is more recommended to cope with the adverse effect caused by Al stress. Conclusions The findings of this study suggest that Si fertilization in sugarcane seedlings is an economic and viable strategy strongly recommended to cope with the adverse effect caused by Al toxicity at concentrations less than 20 mg L−1, which lead to increase the shoot biomass production. es_ES
dc.language.iso en_US es_ES
dc.rights Este documento es Propiedad Patrimonial de la Universidad de Sancti Spíritus ¨José Martí Pérez¨ El autor o autores conservan los derechos morales que como tal le son reconocidos por la Legislación vigente sobre Derecho de Autor. Los distintos Usuarios podrán copiar, distribuir, comunicar públicamente la obra y hacer obras derivadas; bajo las condiciones siguientes: 1.Reconocer y citar al autor original 2.No utilizar la obra con fines comerciales 3.No realizar modificación alguna a la obra 4.Compartir aquellos productos resultados del uso de la obra bajo la misma licencia de esta. Los Usuarios pueden reutilizar los metadatos en cualquier medio sin autorización previa, siempre que los propósitos de su utilización sean sin ánimo de lucro y se provea el Identificador OAI, un enlace al registro de metadatos original, o se haga referencia al repositorio de donde ha sido extraído es_ES
dc.subject Abiotic stress es_ES
dc.subject Macronutrients es_ES
dc.subject Micronutrients es_ES
dc.subject Saccharum officinarum es_ES
dc.subject Silicon es_ES
dc.title Nutritional and Structural Role of Silicon in Attenuating Aluminum Toxicity in Sugarcane Plants es_ES
dc.type Article es_ES
dc.rights.holder Universidad de Sancti Spíritus "José Martí Pérez" es_ES
dc.contributor.department Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” es_ES
dc.contributor.department Universidad de Sancti Spíritus “José Martí Pérez” es_ES
dc.relation.journal Silicon es_ES
dc.type.article 1 es_ES

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