The main purpose of the Cuban Educational System is the multifacetic formation of the individual where sexuality constitutes an important psychological dimension of the personality. On this topic the work makes a deep analysis of the most up-dated trends and theories and is proposed as objective to apply educational actions to develop a responsible sexuality in youngsters from Senior High Education. During the development of the paper work were taken into account the students´ characteristics and the main aspects related to sexual education. For the realization of it some scientific methods were employed among them, from the theoretical level: the historical logical analysis, the analytic synthetic and the inductive deductive, from the empirical level: observation, pedagogical test, documental analysis, and from the statistic methods the descriptive analysis. The combinations of all these methods permitted the shaping of the final report. The paper offers different ways to achieve an appropriate responsible sexuality. The work is structured as follows introduction, development, conclusions, recommendations, bibliography and annexes.